NOTE: The sign-up process is NOT automated. This is to help stop abuse. Your account will be created after review by our system administrators.

The first step in the process is filling out the below form. You will then be directed to a page with a "buy now" link which will walk you through funding your account with the initial $10 (why $10?).

Please note in the "Extra info" section below what additional services you are interested in (also include the domain name you wish to use) .

Full name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Valid email:
Desired user name:
Extra info (optional):
** and/or **
How did you hear about us?
Spam Prevention
(enter the name of the planet you live on, in lower case)

Your password will be sent to your email address once your account has been created. That is why it's important that you provide a valid email address.

Full name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Valid email:
Desired user name:
Extra info (optional):
** and/or **
How did you hear about us?
Spam Prevention
(enter the name of the second planet in the solar system, in lower case)

Your password will be sent to your email address once your account has been created. That is why it's important that you provide a valid email address.